Rushal Butala

Reap Rewards

Interaction Design

Problem Statement
Rewards are incentives offered by a company to maintain a customers loyalty to that company or one of their services.A lot of companies offer various kinds of rewards and benefits,especially banks and store with loyalty programs.Customers either don't know they have these benefits,forget they have these benefits or are unable to optimally use these benefits to their advantage. The purpose of this app is to solve this problem and help users optimize their benefits to save money as they shop
App Overview
Reap provides users a way to determine which mode of payment is best for a particular point of sale. Additionally Reap also provides a personalized curated shopping list that helps you save the most amount of money. Reap also helps a user to keep track of all their rewards and benefits on credit cards and loyalty programs. Based on purchase history and location Reap gives user recommendation to save money using rewards.These type of advertisements are the main source of income for reap
Key Features

Shopping List

Reap allows users to curate a special shopping list that helps them optimize their savings with rewards. It does this by suggesting the user the best place to purchase the product.


Text that should be centered
Text that should be centered
Text that should be centered
Text that should be centered
Text that should be centered
Text that should be centered


Text that should be centered
Text that should be centered
Text that should be centered
Text that should be centered
Text that should be centered
Text that should be centered
Research Process

User Interview

I kicked off the project by deciding a problem space for our interaction design application.I have a keen interest in finance and business, so I decided to tackle a problem in that space I decided to explore personal finance management i particular.To understand people's frustration relating to personal finance management I conducted unstructured interviews with people of different backgrounds and income status ranging from from young people early in their career with limited financial resources to older people who had higher incomes and multiple sources of incomes.

  test this is a test to see what happens with a lot of text

  I was never able to take advantage of the rewards I have. It's like I never know when to use what card....

On thoroughly analysing the interviews I understood that people struggle with rewards tracking and I need to make it easier for people to use their rewards. Following that I curated personas to based on my users pain points discovered in the interviews. These personas helped me gain a deeper understanding of user preferences and behaviors.


Following that I curated personas to based on my users pain points discovered in the interviews. These personas helped me gain a deeper understanding of user preferences and behaviors.

Competitor Analysis

User Flow & Site Maps

Visual Design

Paper Sketches

Style Guide

Final Design(High Fidelity)